Plot Seed: King vs Church?
So unfortunately we had to cancel the game this week due to low turnout so I don’t have an awesome story to tell you about how I grew and learned new things as a new DM. However my dear friend and Twitch streamer/YouTuber Evil Squeegee did post an interesting plot seed on his Twitter account and I thought I would take a crack at my interpretation of it. In the Kingdom of Avallore there has been much distrust thrust unto the Church of the Sun as of late. After Father Huston was revealed to be a necromancer in disguise, His Royal Highness King Richard VIII finally outlawed worship of the Sun God. In truth the King had been planning this move for months now. He claimed that arcane magic and alchemical science were the future, and that the archaic ways of the Church were holding the kingdom back from true progress. This was, of course, all a ruse. You see, King Richard was secretly a very religious man though not quite how you would expect. He did not only worship the Moon God...