
Plot Seed: King vs Church?

So unfortunately we had to cancel the game this week due to low turnout so I don’t have an awesome story to tell you about how I grew and learned new things as a new DM. However my dear friend and Twitch streamer/YouTuber Evil Squeegee did post an interesting plot seed on his Twitter account and I thought I would take a crack at my interpretation of it. In the Kingdom of Avallore there has been much distrust thrust unto the Church of the Sun as of late. After Father Huston was revealed to be a necromancer in disguise, His Royal Highness King Richard VIII finally outlawed worship of the Sun God. In truth the King had been planning this move for months now. He claimed that arcane magic and alchemical science were the future, and that the archaic ways of the Church were holding the kingdom back from true progress. This was, of course, all a ruse. You see, King Richard was secretly a very religious man though not quite how you would expect. He did not only worship the Moon God...

The Hero, the Mage, and the Knight

Today was the first day of my D&D campaign and as far as I could tell everyone had a pretty good time. Only about half of my expected players actually showed up and I think I’ll lower my expectations of people moving forward but as long as we have at least 3 to play I’m a happy DM. Like I said in my introduction I’m taking my players through the Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign from the D&D 5e Starter Kit as we only really have one experienced player and I’m still new to this whole DM thing. Our characters today were Bruce AKA “The Bumblebee”: the Halfling Monk with a superhero-esque alter-ego, Harry: the Tiefling Sorcerer with wild magic and a stingy attitude, and Donaldo the Great: the Human Paladin thirsting for blood.  I went with a variation on the Meet Me in Phandalin story hook that they suggest within the campaign book. Essentially, Bruce got a message from his long-time friend Gundren Rockseeker saying in fairly vague terms that he had “big business” to dis...

Meet Another New Dungeon Master

Hi there, and welcome to my blog: Another New DM. I am Yumi, as you might have guessed I've recently been diving in to the world of mastering dungeons at the game table. I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons as a player since the early 2010s, starting with 4e and later moving on to 5e. While I do still play in a regular campaign with my friends online through Roll20 I've recently decided to try my hand at DMing with a new group I'm putting together with my co-workers. I'm super excited to get started but even though I've picked a pretty easy campaign to start them off with (Lost Mines of Phandelver) I'm a little scared that I may have gotten myself in a little over my head with potentially 8 PCs if everyone shows up and stays with it. Thankfully most of them are also new to D&D as a whole so I feel like that gives me a little bit of an advantage.  I'm really excited to start this new journey and plan on making a new blog post every week with u...